i am an unrequited astronomer, pretend patient, gentle adventurer, pedal enthusiast, recovering calligrapher, occasional thespian and unfinished poet living in portland, oregon. contacting me via email is usually a good idea.
10:02 PM:
i am writing my first blog entry from nefarious! yay! am now in the process of copying from nemo.
osx is different -- way different -- but things i want to have been better don't appear to be (e.g., appleshare still doesn't appear to log. argh.) things i want to get right the first time:
1. users: the helpdesk set me w/ an admin account, i think, but i would rather be me with admin. i don't know if it matters, but i want a "gretchin" home directory instead of an "admin" one, and i want to get to root ocassionally. i tried adding the michael user & discovered "michaelmas" is more than 8 characters & therefore not usable as a login. :( plus, it seems all his stuff is inaccessible to me as admin, which doesn't seem right. is it?
2. sharing: in os9 i had a sharing structure which worked well for my windows/mac sharing needs. i'm still trying to figure out the best setup in osx. i want to figure this out before i install dave. websharing, especially, seems more confusing than i expected: though i have found i can't find the apache root from the gui & i'm trying, for now, to stay away from the terminal window because i think i could become too reliant on it.
3. applications: does dreamweaver have a carbon/cocoa version? when will outlook have a native version? i tried to open an apache gif & it launched pictureviewer in classic. :P
the new dell flat panel seems much brighter than the old crt. when i turn my attention to the black keyboard, my eyes are momentarily blinded. brightness/contrast controls aren't helping much & i wonder if *gasp* i should actually use the overhead lights.