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Tuesday, June 18, 2002

[#] [0]
the therese baker situation isn't getting any better. fortunately, chuck is drafting a message to her and is defending my actions.

most recently, students were calling about not having access to the "papers" section of the course; there was nothing indicating students should not have access to the link (like, "available july 3" or "no access yet"). i emailed her about what i should do but got no response, so i asked chuck what should be done and he told me to post the link. in response, she wrote:
The students do not decide when things should be done in this course, I decide. You are a staff member who is supposed to be assisting me not ignoring my e-mails and making decisions about my course. Now twice you have made serious errors in setting up this course: this past one is really beyond belief. You are not the decision-maker about what gets posted and when. And you have no authority to follow student requests to determine how this course will be offered.
I am shocked at this action.
in a later email, she wrote, "This action is totally inappropriate and suggests that you do not understand your role as a staff member at CSUSM."

otoh, i fixed a serious issue w/ her salons this morning and she didn't chastize me about that; apparently my role as a staff member is only an issue when it conflicts about something i was never told about. i think my role is to make sure students are served in the absence of information from the instructor.

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