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Sunday, November 17, 2002

[#] [0]
okay, this is driving me crazy. the darwin/mac os x distribution of apache places the supporting files all over the place, and the man pages haven't changed to reflect that. i had already found the logs & configuration files and placed symbolic links to them from /Library/WebServer so all my apache stuff would be in the same place. today i was trying to find the file so i could kill the process remotely and had a bugger of a time finding it. so for the record, here are the man page paths and the -actual- paths for these files:

(referenced in httpd man) > (actual darwin path)
/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf > /private/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
/usr/local/apache/conf/srm.conf > n/a (all bundled into httpd.conf)
/usr/local/apache/conf/access.conf > n/a (ditto)
/usr/local/apache/conf/mime.types > /private/etc/httpd/mime.types
/usr/local/apache/conf/magic > /private/etc/httpd/magic
/usr/local/apache/logs/error_log > /private/var/log/httpd/error_log
/usr/local/apache/logs/access_log > /private/var/log/httpd/access_log
/usr/local/apache/logs/ > /private/var/run/

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