i am an unrequited astronomer, pretend patient, gentle adventurer, pedal enthusiast, recovering calligrapher, occasional thespian and unfinished poet living in portland, oregon. contacting me via email is usually a good idea.
4:11 PM:
well, i'll be damned. that wasn't nearly as painful as i thought. *pauses* teresa agreed we could move toward the shifting of my responsibilities to "outreach, research & support" if the team could agree on a timeline. i'd be suprised if we could get everyone agree to spring, but maybe we agree on the 50/50 split in spring, then 60/40 in summer, 70/30 in fall, and 80/20 in spring04. and that at point, i should be able to assume the "outreach, research and support" title in full *knocks wood* so a year, if i'm lucky. teresa worries that there might be resentment about me doing the "easy" work, but i just think we pick the path that works for each of us -- even teresa admits i do better in long-range planning and garrett does better w/ short-term projects.
chuck thinks even the 50/50 split should be enough to allow me to start working on the bits of research & support and other things i like. i just think the 50/50 split will let me spend twice as long on each course. :) by the time we get to the 80/20 or even 90/10, i'll have to spend time on the other parts of my job or i'll be bored!