i am an unrequited astronomer, pretend patient, gentle adventurer, pedal enthusiast, recovering calligrapher, occasional thespian and unfinished poet living in portland, oregon. contacting me via email is usually a good idea.
7:47 PM:
as if the world needs "yet another webmail app" (yawa), along comes oddpost, which seems spiffy & has a most entertaining faq. but really, what is actually making me consider getting a subscription after i just complained about mac.com is the fact that oddpost "donates 10% of your subscriber fee to the non-profit of your choice, where 'choice' is defined as a selection from one of seven organizations listed when you sign up," and i am all for supporting entities which make social consumerism easier (which is why i own a prius, use working assets as my long distance carrier and my primary credit card, and shop at the body shop & trader joe's, among other things. and before you get all weird on me, yes, i am very much cognizant of local businesses and prefer to patronize them when i can. i also try to support places which support art. what was the question, again?) and i've come to realize i really appreciate businesses which have a strong personal presence, so oddpost meets both requirements.