i am an unrequited astronomer, pretend patient, gentle adventurer, pedal enthusiast, recovering calligrapher, occasional thespian and unfinished poet living in portland, oregon. contacting me via email is usually a good idea.
7:07 PM:
how lovely! i thought doing roman caps with the soda pop pen was a nice alternative to a broad-edged pen, but learning pen manipulation today felt like what i was supposed to be doing all along. in some ways, it very much mimics the letters i draw with a pencil, and all the rules about pen angles go out the window. a lot of the others really had a hard time with twisting the pen so much, but it made so much sense to me i was able to experiment with using some new nibs: a brause 2, a brause 4, a mitchell 6, and a mitchell 0. teri martin really likes using a mitchell 6 on text-sized letters, and a mitchell 0 was close to the 3.8 pilot parallell i've been using (the new one i picked up works just fine, thank you). but i found brauses deliver an excellent crispness and line contrast without any effort at all. i love that. i'll have to pick up a set to practice with.
terrilynn's daughter carrie is going to take the sleeper couch i got from adra, any of my lamps, kitchen stuff and probably anything else i need to get rid of. (yay!) i sure was hoping to get out of here by june 12 or 13, but i'll bet i'll need to wait till saturday (june 14) to get any help loading the truck. at $35 a day in prorated rent, it makes a difference. :)