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Tuesday, September 02, 2003

[#] [0]
so, so, so much to say and so little attention span to say it with. i haven't yet decided how i'm going to handle the blow-by-blow descriptions, though i hope something will come to me when i'm a little less sleep-deprived.

i got home last night/this morning at 1:30 a.m. to discover michael had drawn the chain across the door & so i spent the next 5 minutes hoarsely whispering "michael!," flipping the lights on/off, knocking & making the jangly bells on the door ring. i was certain one of the neighbors was going to wake up first and i would be forced to sleep in the car one more night. i guess i learned a valuable lesson about calling ahead, didn't i? :) but before coming home i left a note & present for sven: "back from burning man & here's the dusty pinwheel to prove it."

people are already doing searches for "burningman2003" and finding my prep pix because they end up at the top of the list (why? who knows? google loves me, i guess). i should add the rest of my meager photos relatively soon, though i didn't take a lot because there never seemed to be a good time to stop & take some. [update 09.04.03: leeann says, "the trick is to talk in a thick french accent, then it is art. and space must be made for art. and people comply."] i'm relying on the other members of our ad-hoc camp to come through with better pix. :) more more more more about our ad-hoc camp and more about burning man as events allow and sleeping becomes less of a priority, but in short, yes, i had a lovely time.

in non-burning news, my pet rocket scientist is briefly famous! brian told me about being able to see your shadow by marslight and though i didn't get a chance to try it at burning man, npr's "all things considered" quotes him (go to about 2:55 in the clip).

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