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Friday, November 14, 2003

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the apple store grand opening is tomorrow! almost everyone i know is going (hi, guys! someone bring me a t-shirt!) and i'm so jealous!

alas, i have a prior committment to attend sven's movie party (showing: soylent green and the cook, the thief, his wife and her lover). and ordinarily i might just leave early, but the people who did the art documentarian show are having an artists roundtable tomorrow. so i'll be going late, as it is. why is everything happening tomorrow?

i thought i might attend the best of the northwest arts & crafts show today, but now i think i won't. crashed a little hard last night and wanted to sleep in, go grocery shopping, and work on job apps today. did you know that elephant's deli has 14 essay questions? things like:
* "what's the difference between an 'aggressive' salesperson & a 'pushy' salesperson?"
* "although it takes a lot to upset most people, what would upset you?"
* "describe an instance when you had to overcome a difficult situation."

and there's enough room to write about two sentences each (easiest for the "if you only had one word to describe yourself, what would it be and why?" question: suggestions appreciated. otherwise, i'm leaning towards "curious.").

and since it appears i'm moving chronologically backwards, it seems like the time to mention that last night i attended lost in translation with philip & sven. the nytimes apparently said "[it] contains the self- stylized lonesomeness found in post-punk, like new order's 'bizarre love triangle,'" and if i had seen that, i might not have gone: not because i don't like new order (i do!), but because i can't imagine how anything could have possibly lived up to that. as it turns out, i'm not sure that's true (if i had to make a music reference, i might have compared it to cocteau's twins' "heaven or las vegas"), but it was very sweet, delicate & understated. it did an excellent job of making most of the characters sympathetic, and none of it really felt forced (i have to say, it felt like exactly the kind of thing that would happen to me). i think i'll want to see it again at some point to see if it hold up to re-viewing: for all its delights, it wasn't a complex movie w/ a lot of layers, which may be what keep it from my top-10 list. (the site, btw, is entirely in flash, which makes me sad, but it does have a big chunk of the soundtrack available for listening, though i didn't see the karaoke songs, philip. scarlett johannson is 18?! oh. geesh. i have to go lie down.)
[update 11.16.03: rob says he "found its real value, in terms of re-watching, in its subtlety rather than its complexity. there is a lot happening when there's nothing really happening in this film." he also says there's a hidden karoake track.]

but first (or last, depending on how you're reading the chronology), i finally had to go to planned parenthood to get another opinion on the UTI, which ought to have been cleared up by monday (it's been almost 2 weeks already!). they gave me a prescription (alas, cheaper visit, more expensive meds) which unfortunately wasn't specific about the strength and so i couldn't get it filled last night. i'll have to do that today when they can call the office. grrr. i am so done with this. makes me wish i were a boy. :P

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