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Monday, November 03, 2003

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azo & cystex are my two best friends today (thanks for the recommendation, linda! and the trip to walgreens, michael!). guh. i'm not ordinarily a drug person, but they're like little miracles when you're in this much pain. i don't know if i've got what sven's got, but i've been riding the edge of something for a while and this just pushed me right over into UTI land. it's what i imagine hell to be like. (not to mention the joys of unsweetened cranberry juice. sometimes the science of gastronomy really intrigues me, and this is one of those times: how in the world did we manage to convince ourselves that cranberries were edible?)

speaking of hell, it turned out the haunted halloween maze that planet steve was working on fell through (ach! what a waste!). but steve is as ever optomistic:
The NEW holiday will be known as Bloody Valentine's Day, and will fall on the closest weekend to the 14th of February. Instead of the portable maze I plan to haunt my entire garage and studio, giving me over a hundred yards of maze to haunt! We will gleefully twist that saccharine Hallmark monstrosity into a celebration of not Undying but UNDEAD Love.....Zombies will covet the hearts instead of the brains of the living......There will be a dramatic reading (or re-enactment!) of The Telltale Heart......The climax of the evening will be the Bonfire Of The Inanities, a burning of Hallmark cards and figurines, Care Bears, Love Is artifacts and whatever other horrors we can assemble. I can't wait.

still nothing on the total lunar eclipse (!) and matrix revolutions. i may be the only one to see the eclipse, and while there has been feedback on wanting to see the matrix, no clear plan has emerged. *bites lip, tries to be patient*

other random news: i got a chance to talk to rob on the weekend, though, and we're making plans to see each other on a weekend this month. yay! the stars last night were so clear it was startling: orion, which is coming up earlier and earlier now, sparkled like ice. and speaking of ice, michael is again predicting weather which involves ice, quite possibly in the shape of mixed snow/ice/rain tomottow.

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