i am an unrequited astronomer, pretend patient, gentle adventurer, pedal enthusiast, recovering calligrapher, occasional thespian and unfinished poet living in portland, oregon. contacting me via email is usually a good idea.
9:22 PM:
we filmed for 6 hours today. leopoldo unfortunately didn't make it down today, and andrew backed out at the last minute, but we did gain carl, so we ultimately had a quorum. :) the big time-eater this time was prepping the set(s) since we had so many more shots than we did for the last one (the 1-person, 40-second film i call "the disappointing coffee cup" in honour of edward gorey, but whose official title is "gretchin's thirst"). but hey, we got homemade chocolate chip cookies out of this film (sorry, the stunt cookies remain unscathed), and hot dogs afterwards. yum.
i think sven's been editing all night. go him! though he did all the direction & camera work, too. i hope he doesn't burn himself out on this one.
i think i'm sick now. meh. how did i manage to avoid the first round of november colds until now? bah.