i am an unrequited astronomer, pretend patient, gentle adventurer, pedal enthusiast, recovering calligrapher, occasional thespian and unfinished poet living in portland, oregon. contacting me via email is usually a good idea.
11:13 PM: ghost in the machine
i just scored a 1930s remington noiseless portable typewriter from freecycle! i've been looking for a working manual typewriter for ages! (i bought a different old typewriter at an estate sale when i was in california and it promptly lost the ability to feed paper.) it's so old it doesn't have a key for the number "1," because you were expected to use a lowercase "l," and it doesn't have an exclamation mark because you were expected to overprint an apostrophe over a period. no "return" key, either. it does, however, have the all-important fractional characters 1/2 and 1/4. it's in frighteningly excellent condition, and as far as i can tell, just needs a new ribbon. i got it from a gruff metal artist with a texas accent.