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Friday, April 30, 2004

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yesterday was becky-from-csusm's birthday & so i emailed her a brief hello. because we hadn't talked in a while she said: "I picture you running through wild flowers in some field with the sun shining through distant trees. I guess that's what I think freedom from here (CSUSM and Southern California) would be like." she's not far wrong. :) which reminds me, only 3 weeks before we can celebrate a whole year of not working for csusm!

tonight michaelmas, sven & i went to a susan mckeown concert at lola's room. i snuck sven upstairs to see the crystal ballroom: if you're in the building, you -have- to see it! the concert was okay; i've seen better performances by her (the first concert michaelmas & i ever saw together was susan mckeown, in fact, while we were visiting neil in new mexico, and she was really good).

btw, 306 is niiiiiiiccceeeeee! it's the kind of place i would have wanted to move into when i first moved here. michaelmas does his big move on sunday: we'll go early to take care of the cat and to pick up book trucks from the library. as for my move, we've got less than a load of stuff to remove now plus the bed. where it lives over here, though, is still a mystery. :)

at 12:30 a.m., sven grabbed the small ladder and the flashlight and we popped the access hatch open in the elevator and watched the mechanics and counterweights and floor doors rush by us. only once did we run into anyone else, and it was obvious they thought we were freaks. to celebrate, i took us to the roof despite all the signs which say there is risk of injury & death because they're painting the side of the building and have some of the safety fencing down, which turned out to be a very good decision because the staircase leading to the boiler room roof is usually locked, but today it wasn't. it's so high up and unprotected at that point that it feels like there's absolutely nothing between you and the moon.

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