i am an unrequited astronomer, pretend patient, gentle adventurer, pedal enthusiast, recovering calligrapher, occasional thespian and unfinished poet living in portland, oregon. contacting me via email is usually a good idea.
9:57 PM: to sleep perchance to dream
oh, great. it's been psu's cisco vpn client that's been keeping eliot from sleeping all this time. i finally had to uninstall it completely because when i came home tonight, it wouldn't access airport at all, and that was my last possible resort.
the problem here is that i need the cisco vpn client in order to do work for psu; it's what allows access to my remote desktop machine and the network drives. the other problem is that in order to get this client in the first place i had to talk to everyone in the department at least twice because the unix system sees me as a guest, not as a staff member, and the only way to get the client is via your psu webmail. i'd like to think a cisco vpn ugrade would solve this problem, but i doubt psu will be very sympathetic to a mac user with a very specific vpn issue. at any rate, i can see that next week will be very much like my first weeks at psu, in that i have to keep returning to the helpdesk to solve things that shouldn't be breaking in the first place. i wish i could charge psu for all the frustrated troubleshooting i did. :(
*sigh* so i'm irritated and i'm so tired my stomach's upset. eliot hasn't slept in 3 months. maybe a nap will do us both good.