i am an unrequited astronomer, pretend patient, gentle adventurer, pedal enthusiast, recovering calligrapher, occasional thespian and unfinished poet living in portland, oregon. contacting me via email is usually a good idea.
10:20 AM: thursday's child would rather be napping
michaelmas is "reluctantly" off to present at the acrl conference in minneapolis. the song of choice would have seemed to have been that dog's "minneapolis," but instead i sent him along with ani difranco's "up up up up up up." i drove him to the airport and will be taking care of arwen while he's gone.
i didn't talk about sin city in part because i don't know how much there is to talk about. it's not a very complex film. it's a visually interesting and beautiful film, but the storylines & characters are equally as distant and flat and colorless. the role of women, as innocent angels or avenging angels, was really ridiculous.
i'm working with expedition 360 again; jason asked me to help him with a blog mailer for the indonesia journal, since the goal is to reduce the amount of time (read: money) updating via the satellite phone.
i still haven't practiced for the calligraphy class. i have a psu project due tomorrow that's been consuming my time.