i am an unrequited astronomer, pretend patient, gentle adventurer, pedal enthusiast, recovering calligrapher, occasional thespian and unfinished poet living in portland, oregon. contacting me via email is usually a good idea.
11:13 AM: !crazy
we have tickets to what the tickets say is the 12:01 a.m. wednesday showing of star wars: episode iii. so when sven & i went to wait in line at 9:30 a.m. this morning, i was suspicious when we appeared to be the first in line. "you're crazy, but you aren't the -craziest- motherfucker in portland," i told sven. eventually, the promotions coordinator came to move us to where we wouldn't be blocking the emergency exits and told us star wars didn't actually begin until 12:01 -thursday-! it says "wednesday" on the tickets because that's the theatre's business day. arrrggghhh!
sven seriously considered staying overnight, but that was cut short when two guys began to harass us, even going so far as to grab one of sven's toy lightsabers from his backpack and run away with it. sven actually had to run after him and grab him by the coat to get it back.