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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

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still recovering from two parental visits in a row last week.

first sven's parents came thursday & left sunday. on the docket: powell butte, pho van, calligraphy exhibit, hawthorne powell's & bead store, bread&ink w/ jalex, pix w/ jalex, lewis & clark explorer train to astoria, saturday market, powell's w/ michaelmas, assagio's. random notes:
*did anyone else see the wildfire sunset and the surreal twilight rainbow?

* the lewis & clark explorer is a neat little train that's on its last year of grant funds. it follows the route lewis & clark took for four hours, all the way to astoria. sven recognized one of the staff from reed. on our meal tickets, they referred to sven & i as "the young couple in the back," rather than our seat numbers, and during the last couple of miles of the trip, i was charmed and delighted when they broke out a fiddle and sang woodie guthrie's "roll on columbia" w/ a sweetly meandering melody.

* the train gave me a chance to make some headway on "pedalling to hawaii," stevie's account of expedition360's journey. if i didn't actually know them, i'd think they were exaggerating!

* astoria: two surprising gallery discoveries here. first, a new art muse in the form of juli adams (whose web site conveys some of the whimsy but hardly any of the texture and grace of the pieces). second, lunar boy gallery, which i desperately wish had a branch in portland, as it carries artists obviously influence by edward gorey, tim burton, ruby gloom and william joyce. an entire gallery devoted to my favorite genre: cute and horrible!

* also in astoria: i broke off from the group to explore a little on my own, and while in an interesting wooden structure the seattle-to-bangor peace march drifted by. i waved and smiled, and a woman briefly ran over to give me an origami crane.

* at saturday market i found a new bag from someone interested in savvy plus. it's nice to have a bag i can just throw things into, though i wish it had at least one pocket to keep my keys in.

* of course, a trip to powell's is mandatory: we met michaelmas there and i searched for books on the creative job club recommended book list, took the stack to the cafe, and all three of us casually evaluated them till i walked out w/ just two.

on sunday my stepmother vickie was in woodburn and so michaelmas, sven & i took her to multnomah falls. fortunately for me she wanted to stop frequently because that hill is one where i have to stop every 10 feet. it's worth mentioning, much to our dismay, that the lodge only offers an overpriced brunch on sundays rather than their nice lunches. the boys fell asleep in the car afterward so i dropped them off at their homes and took vicki to the rose gardens in washington park. she could be in florida as i type this, or she may have managed to get herself home after some difficult upgrades to the carquest computers.

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