i am an unrequited astronomer, pretend patient, gentle adventurer, pedal enthusiast, recovering calligrapher, occasional thespian and unfinished poet living in portland, oregon. contacting me via email is usually a good idea.
9:50 PM: at the speed of light
my birthday is already a blur. there were crepes and star balloons and a poem and trips to the omsi planetarium, oaks park, the river's edge, and the oaks bottom reserve. that night there was bowling & cupcakes w/ rob, dan, michaelmas, leopoldo, sven, alex, amelia & miles. yesterday there was an unsuccessful trip to find gorey details, then to powell's to behold edward gorey's rare fantod deck, and dinner at the heathman. wednesday will begin a trip to see the perseids meteor shower in eastern oregon where i hope it's darkdarkdark. every year michaelmas picks a song for me: this year it was an interesting spoken word piece by bob dylan, "last thoughts on woody guthrie."
today was sven & my second anniversary (or what i'm calling the "oort cloud anniversary") so we went to chez machin & blackberry picking on the butte.