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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

[#] [1]
aeiieeee! why didn't tiger ship w/ palatino? it's my default text font (except in voodoopad). meh meh meh meh!
according to Rolf Nordahl at macintouch:
"Folks have asked: What happened to Palatino? Palatino is a Classic font. To enable it on the new MAChines, you install Classic (third CD--hardware test and other software). You have to start Classic once. Then Palatino will be seen in Mac OS X."

Andrew Main also writes,
"If you don't want to keep the Classic software on your HD, you can go into the OS 9 System Folder and copy out the fonts you want to keep (Charcoal, Chicago and New York are also Classic-only) before deleting it. I too was sorry to see Palatino disappear from OS X's hefty font collection -- I wonder why? -- but I note it is included with iWork. A beautiful Unicode version, Palatino Linotype, is included with Windows 2000/XP (and I've seen it available for download here and there on the Web), but I've found it behaves erratically in OS X, for reasons I don't understand."

SLam from the macnn forums writes,
"If you're looking for Apple's Palatino, you can find that with any old Mac OS 9-System 7.x installation. Look in your PowerBook G4 Software DVD for Classic. It's located in the following path:
/Volumes/PowerBook G4 Software/.images/OS9General.dmg
Just mount that and look for it in the Fonts folder inside System Folder."
so, there are some solutions. but why was this a problem that even needed to be solved? why did an upgrade actually remove a font? man, you can't count on -anything!-

update 09.28: btw, i actually already -had- iwork & classic installed, but on eliot everything got wiped out. :(. the iwork trial copy failed to install any new fonts when i entered its license key, so i'm left w/ digging around for classic.

update to the 09.28 update: okay, you can all stop panicking now! the esteemed michael hall is in the haus! (thanks, mph!)

update 09.29: of course, i should also mention michaelmas & markalope, both of whom recognized the edge of panic in my typing and offered to send me a copy. thanks, guys!

Do you want me to send you Palatino Linotype? That's the OpenType version of Palatino that shipped with Windows 2000. It was done by Zapf himself.
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