i am an unrequited astronomer, pretend patient, gentle adventurer, pedal enthusiast, recovering calligrapher, occasional thespian and unfinished poet living in portland, oregon. contacting me via email is usually a good idea.
10:53 AM: levengrrrrrrrrr!
levenger is my porn catalog: i wait to savour it until i'm alone and can caress its pages. sometimes i even buy things from it. however, they've recently (?) changed their site so that neither safari or firefox can check out -- even though their "browser requirements" page claims safari is a supported browser. customer service says their site is "not totally compatible" with safari or firefox, which seems like a bit of an understatement if i can't actually complete an order with it. :(
so w/ a heavy heart, i can no longer recommend or shop at levenger, as i do not do phone orders. meh.
[update: and sometimes you can't even call your order in! the first time i called the phone picked up but nobody responded, even though i stayed on the line over 5 minutes and ocassionally said, "hello?" at that point i had to call back just to see how ridiculous it would get, because i think i failed to mention that i spent a good chunk of yesterday trying to order from levenger, and now a good chunk of today. argh!]