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Wednesday, May 17, 2006
I just got a MacBook Pro -- 15", and it is so big -- we were at dinner last night with a friend and I said that perhaps next year I'd give it to Scott and get a 12" for myself, and then when we got home there was an e-mail from another friend saying that the new MacBooks were out -- and when I looked the Apple site said "Meet the family -- now complete!" -- but it is not complete since there is no longer a 12". They threw out the baby!
You are right -- 13 and a bit more is too big! btw, the MacBook Pro is just fine -- I'm always nervous about weird problems, but so far everthing is just fine. esjfz (another word verification that sounds suspicious when I attempt to pronounce it.)
yeah, i hope they really change their minds. are you still planniing on upgrading?
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