i am an unrequited astronomer, pretend patient, gentle adventurer, pedal enthusiast, recovering calligrapher, occasional thespian and unfinished poet living in portland, oregon. contacting me via email is usually a good idea.
9:56 AM: rich in irony
i checked the toyota site this morning to make sure trixie's final payment has been credited and saw the sweetest combination of words and letters:
Total Amount Due: $0.00
and now that trixie is well & truly mine (what sort of -iversary does that make it? owniversary doesn't sound quite right) the universe, of course, thought it would be extremely funny if trixie chose not to start today. the fob wouldn't unlock her doors and she was eerily silent when attempting to start (sven says he heard a "horrible hiss," but i heard nothing at all). fortunately, the little battery jumper sven bought trixie for xmas did exactly what it was supposed to. let's hope this was an isolated incident.
# posted by Anonymous : Sat Jun 17, 08:41:00 PM PDT