i am an unrequited astronomer, pretend patient, gentle adventurer, pedal enthusiast, recovering calligrapher, occasional thespian and unfinished poet living in portland, oregon. contacting me via email is usually a good idea.
4:31 PM: at dawn and solo into everything
happy new year! because pastaworks didn't carry the tiny bottles of champagne they carried last year, we climbed up the hill to watch the city sparkle with fireworks and shared a small bottle of ginger beer. the neighbors there counted down and banged on pots & pans for a full minute.
i stayed up till sunrise again: i like to see the first dawn of the new year. it's poetry to struggle through the darkness into the light. it's a ritual i've had since pueblo, even though it's a lot easier to do now that i have internet access and a million todo items to wrap up.
in fact, i've just discovered it's a good time to spend some of the pre-dawn hours tying up loose ends from the previous year: label photos, clear out old bills from the files, balance and start a new financial spreadsheet, figure out reoccurring tasks & holidays. this is stuff i do anyway, but spread out over the week. it's nice to already have that time "built in" as part of the ritual, so i really do start off fresh.
balancing my financial spreadsheet is where i discovered i was missing four checks; apparently i had put them in an envelope which got recycled along with the christmas envelopes. eeep! thank goodness recycling was delayed a day, and thank goodness i was desperate enough that i thought to look there. it's a much better new year now, thank you. :)
very cool gretchin. tis me, kelsey :)
# posted by Anonymous : Mon Jan 01, 06:31:00 PM PST