gl. |
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Friday, August 03, 2007
I've met some whacky leftists in my day, but I can honestly say that I've never come across someone - liberal or conservative alike - who yearns for women to have abortions just for the sake of having abortions. Kind of like joining the military just so you can kill someone legally. Quite sick indeed.
There is an ironic cause for celebration, however. As the country continues to very slowly wake up from its four-decade morality coma regarding this issue - thanks to extremists like yourself - the subtleties of the more "moderate" positions on abortion that have allowed pro-abortion politicians to get as far as they have in past years, are going to lose their effectiveness in selling the need for infanticide to the voting public. The irony is that black-and-white fanaticism like yours is eventually going to help overturn Roe vs. Wade. Congratulations and please keep it up.
Hm. Someone named "anonymous" shows up to say you're an "extremist" and a "fanatic." Sort of a hit-and-run name-calling approach.
I appreciate the update, gl. -- thank you. In an online environment where folks like "anonymous" drop by like snipers to be "ironic" (read "sarcastic"), it clearly takes courage to keep on writing. So, to echo the last post -- but twist it around to a kind direction: Congratulations and please keep it up!
anonymous, i think you read me wrong. i certainly don't "[yearn] for women to have abortions just for the sake of having abortions." i yearn for women to have an option for an abortion if they believe it's the right choice for them, without fear or shame.
i find it weird to be considered "extreme." i'm really quite mild-mannered and didn't realize that even within a radical culture i'd be considered radical. but there need to be more voices on this end of the spectrum to counterbalance the howling from the right, to pull the politics to the center. so if you think i'm extremist, so be it, though i hardly think "allow people to make their own decisions" is an extreme position.
I think it's great that you actually think you're making a difference by posting something on an online blog
(laughs) (and anonymous is quite wise, imho)
you're a little late to the party, amused, but i'm glad i've made enough of a difference, no matter how small on this online blog, to compel you to comment. staying silent helps no one.
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