i am an unrequited astronomer, pretend patient, gentle adventurer, pedal enthusiast, recovering calligrapher, occasional thespian and unfinished poet living in portland, oregon. contacting me via email is usually a good idea.
11:38 AM: monday's child is fair of face
i'm so glad april's here: i really needed a dose of sunshine. april is also national poetry month! & national grilled cheese sandwich month. with that in mind, here's something completely different:
* michaelmas & i have finished the first season of heroes. he's not inclined to watch the second or third season, so we'll probably finish the veronica mars series or go back to lost.
* i finally got a chance to go to the hawthorne food carts, which are usually only open w-sa after 8 p.m. i had poutine once in canada so i wanted to try it here, and they had a vegetarian version, which warmed my heart. pretty good, though i liked the canadian version better. also a nice crepe cart. (speaking of which, michaelmas & i noticed the crepe place on 23rd that was always randomly open is now gone. unsurprising, but still sad.)
* now that april is here, i am compelled to do more biking. i'm trying to tackle the hills around here, because 136th scares me. so i'm practicing on what i call the "starwatching hill," a former horse pasture that has been a development in limbo for over a year now. no traffic, beautiful views, very steep hill. i noticed bike gallery is finally carrying an electric bike option: the a2b, which is disappointingly ugly, or i'd be considering it.
* every ohsu job has been interesting, but this one is particularly so because it's more than a week of it, roughly 8 a day. also, i'm responsible for evaluating them. these are first-year med students and this is their final exam -- and so even though they're not supposed to be perfect, it's still intriguing to see the range of approaches, manner and competence. this is especially awkward because it involves a chest exam, and asking me to lower my gown and reaching inside my bra is obviously not something they've practiced much. :)
* i took a huge load of clothes back to savvy plus, my original introduction to the world of stores that featured nice clothes that fit me, and only got $8. most of the clothing was stuff i had bought there! so that was ... disappointing. now i'm wishing i had brought them to fat fancy instead.
* i taught "starting a creative business" at the gresham library on saturday. a small but enthusiastic group. i really love that class: it's the one i feel is most well timed, well-paced, engaging and encouraging.
* i'm slowly working on gardening: all the garden boxes have been cleared and i've started seeds inside. i probably should have started the seeds last month because i'd have lettuce by now if i had. but the radish sprouts were immediately entertaining and it looks like the corn and pumpkin seeds are gonna burst out of their little pods and destroy tokyo soon. i'm trying a method called "square foot gardening" and sven made me a collapsible grid to put in the boxes he made several years ago. i really missed gardening last year, so i hope it's better this year.
* i finally received an invoice from the lawyer for my mom's estate and paid it. it's a remarkable amount of money for what amounts to less about an hour and a half of time.